Recently many organizations decided to move some part of their organization abroad. The most universal example is call centers. It plays a key role in the service industries. There has been an enormous increase in the number of large organizations entering India. The demand for call centers has become very popular among customers. For example, according to Forsyth, 2004 10 million consumers use telephone banking in Britain. As a result of such developments, over the past few years, call centers represent a new form of work and have been gaining academic attention. Read More
Category: Business
Role of Managers
The role of managers is complex and stressful, demanding long hours and commitment to the organization. A manager is a middle person between the top management level and employees. Managers are building blocks of the organization. A manager performs five basic functions – Planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Read More
A Syndrome of Selfishness & Managers
A syndrome of selfishness has taken hold of our corporations and our societies, as well as our minds. It is built on a series of half-truths, each of which drives a wedge into society: from a narrow view of ourselves as economic man, to a distorted view of our values reduced to shareholder value, to a particular view of leadership as heroic and dramatic, to a nasty view of organizations as lean and increasingly mean, to an illusionary view of society as a rising tide of prosperity. Read More